Monday, October 20, 2014

Python Scripting


This script was used along with exercise 8. Different criteria was set during the exercise, but they were all looked with the same importance. In a more specific setting, different factors would have a higher importance than others when building a suitability model. This script was written for that purpose. It weighed a particular factor higher than all of the others. The student was able to choose which factor that they wanted to use. For this particular script, prime farmland was used as the more important factor. Figure 3.1 show the completed script.

Figure 3.1 The script showing which factor is more important than the others.


This particular script was used to help find the specific mines that the class needed for analysis. The end product had 41 one mines left. It made sense because of the limitations that were set while writing the script. Only active mines that were farther than 1.5 kilometers away from a railroad were mapped. The results will be used to to analyze the effects on county roads. Figure 2.1 shows the completed script used to complete the task.

Figure 2.1 A script written to select active mines within a certain distance from rail road terminals.


Python scripting is the language used for ArcGIS programming. It can be very helpful executing different tasks in ArcGIS. This particular script was used to clip all of the downloaded data to Trempealeau County, WI. Figure 1.1 shows the final product.

Figure 1.1 A script used to clip all of the data downloaded to Trempealeau County, WI

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